Faculty from across the University choose to teach in the Green & Gold Initiative. We gather around a shared pedagogical vision, a belief that our core curriculum should be visionary, offering students entrance into ideas and books that are life-changing, and whose deep lessons pertain meaningfully to all the classes you’ll take.

Pedagogy Workshops

The Green & Gold Initiative creates classes like no other entity on campus. Faculty interested in teaching gather together to talk about what they value most in education, read texts together, enter into the kind of intense and complicated conversation we hope to facilitate in our classes, and then begin to imagine, one by one, what a class each of us would love to teach might be. Each Green and Gold class is uniquely designed, a bespoke set of academic and creative cares, but share a sense of value and purpose: that our classes should help us know ourselves and our world better.

Syllabus Workshops

Before teaching a class, we gather together again, to collaborate on the creation of our syllabi. We share ideas, texts, inspirations. We search out opportunities to bring classes together to share an experience. We think through assignments don’t seek to measure competency but engagement, and discuss ways of assessing that stay true to the generous vision of the courses themselves.